About us

MRC OmniChannel is a Consulting and Digital company based in Lugano, Switzerland - an area that has always been focused on innovation.

Established in 2018 by a team of professionals boasting several years of experience in delivering groundbreaking services and solutions in strategy, business organization, operational processes, information systems, and the digital world.



The new cutting-edge of artificial intelligence, featuring the only cognitive-science-trained engine on the market. RTBH.ai measures the health status of any brand, checks sentiment, positioning, and values, maps discussion topics, and rates the conversion funnel with a scientific and quantitative approach. It provides timely and actionable insights to support the marketing strategy. RTBH.ai's powerful engine collects and interprets in real-time billions of consumers' spontaneously expressed feelings and opinions all over the net.

Sales growth through OmniChannel solutions

We provide solutions to the most complex challenges for our clients, offering innovative strategy, business organization, and digital services and solutions.

Operation optimization, sales boost, customer management through contact center

MRC employs an Omnichannel model for managing all activities related to Contact Centers; focusing in particular on customer satisfaction, increased sales volumes, revenue growth, and cost reduction.

Digital Transformation

Starting from the use of new digital technologies, MRC OmniChannel helps its clients to tweak, improve, business processes, corporate culture and customer experience by streamlining costs and paving the way towards new business opportunities.

Temporary Management

MRC provides companies with specialized and highly experienced Temporary Managers, on a full-time or part-time basis, to handle any situation or contingency: from digital transformation to corporate turnover, from generational change to temporary replacement, from crisis management to restructuring of business areas, to independent presence on the Board of Directors.

GDPR - Privacy Assessment Tool

From May 25, 2018, every organization must comply with EU Regulation No. 679/2016 (GDPR, General Data Protection Regulation). MRC supports companies in all stages that involve GDPR regulations, starting from design and improvement audits, to training.

People Strategy

Staffing strategy aimed at lean, effective processes and measurable results; Talent Experience creation, through KPI review, know-how contamination, osmosis between generations, Academy and internal Laboratories, as well as Board Assessment from an Omnichannel perspective. Smart Working processes implementation and related Remote Engagement proposition.


Raccolta delle pubblicazioni più attuali di MRC Omnichannel SAGL su tematiche economico-finanziarie e sui principali settori merceologici.

IA – Il reale pensiero dei consumatori nei confronti del Brand

Una delle attività più importanti per ogni azienda è quella di analizzare cosa pensino i consumatori del loro brand. Con l’evoluzione il...

RTBH: analisi del brand che riflette la realtà

Hai mai pensato che potesse esistere un modo differente da quelli “tradizionali” per comprendere il reale pensiero dei consumatori su un determinato brand?

I vantaggi nella valutazione del brand con l’Intelligenza Artificiale

Le aziende, in un mondo in costante evoluzione, hanno avvertito negli ultimi anni la necessità di avere una percezione chiara di quelle che sono le valutazioni da parte dei consumatori nei confronti del loro brand.

Gli attributi da considerare con l’IA nella valutazione di un brand

Valutare un brand può sembrare un lavoro piuttosto semplice e immediato. In realtà, se si vuole attuare un lavoro più approfondito e più dettagliato diventa necessario andare a considerare diversi attributi e una grande mole di dati.

Processo di valutazione del brand con l’Intelligenza Artificiale

Se credevi di sapere tutto riguardo alla valutazione di un brand, leggendo questo articolo potresti cambiare idea. Di sicuro, hai sempre...